teaching (old stuff)

This pages collects materials for courses I taught in previous years (mostly in Italian)

If you want to see a list of current (and recent courses), go here.

Anno Accademico 2022/2023

Anno Accademico 2021/2022

Anno Accademico 2020/2021

Anno Accademico 2019 / 2020

Anno Accademico 2018 / 2019

Anno Accademico 2017 / 2018

Anno Accademico 2016 / 2017

  • Exercise sessions of Numerical linear algebra 2016 / 2017. You can find the material online on Toledo on the course page. The lectures are starting on the 14th of October.

< 2016

  • Exercise sessions of Numerical linear algebra 2015 / 2016. You can find the material online on Toledo on the course page.
  • Laboratorio di Analisi Numerica 2014/2015.
  • Laboratorio di Analisi Numerica 2013/2014.